My 2015 travel horoscope (by Skyscanner)

Since everytime people ask me when I was born they are almost shocked by my zodiacal sign (it's Gemini, and I have the Ascendant in Gemini, hell yeah!), today during my lunch break I was so curios to find something out related to horoscope and travels.

I found an Italian post published on Skyscanner explaining what your astrological sign says about how you travel, and I found it very interesting. I "consulted with the stars" to find my 2015 travel horoscope, and here's what the stars said:
Always looking for new ideas as well as the right inspiration, the Gemini stars recommend one of the Canary Islands. Its name is Lanzarote, and it's more than just an ordinary island: it offers natural pools, volcanoes and beautiful almost virgin beaches. The right place to find inspiration, where you can travel at your own pace.


Of couse I was really curious about this island, so I contacted Turismo Lanzarote, the tourism official website, and I got all the info I needed. 

Everything related to Lanzarote is magic, its volcanic landscapes included. Not only they are spectacular, but they also give you the idea of being on another planet. This island is the right choice for everyone who needs to relax: the white sand, as well as the transparent water, highlight the sense of peace the beaches transmit. 

The original name of this place was Insula de Lanzarotus Marocelus (Lanzarote Malocello's island), given by Angelino Dulcert after Lancelotto Malocello, a Genoese navigator discovered it. According to the native language spoken there, the name was Tyterogaka (or Tytheroygaka), which means something like "one that is all ochre", referring to the island's predominant color.

Not to mention the fact that Lanzarote is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, having tropical vegetation, picturesque views and delicious seafood (according to fish lovers. I don't eat it, so I can't say anything about it).

You can definitely find more info direcly on the FREE brochure you can download by clicking HERE. It's in English and Spanish and it has some very impressive pictures, showing you the small islets that can be glimpsed from the cliff tops.

So, now I really want to go there! Skyscanner was probably right, I need that kind of vacation and Tusimo Lanzarote is tempting me. It could be a perfect belated birthday present, since I can't enjoy it now. Maybe this fall... fingers crossed!

Talking about you, what's your travel horoscope? Find it HERE and share your result with me!

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