The Feast of Saint Fortunato in Camogli, the annual Fish Festival

© Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi

I can't believe it's already summer time. I am so happy I can start working outside, under the sun, sunbathing while sipping a glass of tea or a Spritz with some colleagues.

Plus, I am lucky enough to live at my parent's house at the moment, which is not so far away from the sea. So, today I dediced to go to the seaside, even though it was Mother's Day. Unfortunately I don't have a good relationship with my mom, and she was busy today, so I took the train and in a couple of hours I reached a small town called Camogli.

Of course there was a specific reason why I decided to go today:  they celebrated the main festival, the Feast of Saint Fortunato, the annual Fish Festival (Sagra del Pesce) dedicated to the patron saint of fishermen. 

Camogli lies on the western side of the Portofino peninsula, along the Gulf of Paradise, near Genoa, and it's simply beautiful. Its name comes from two Italian words: “ca”, which is the abbreviation of “casa” (“house”), and “mogli”, the plural form of “moglie” (“wife”). Back in the past, during the Napoleonic era, the town was basically the place where the women live.

During all the wars, especially in the Crimea one, the village olayed a critical role, since it hosted a fleet of 3000 ships. As it always happens in these kind of situations, the men went to fight, and while the women stayed there to wait for them. They were hoping to see their husbands, sons, brothers again, so they waited like Ulysses's Penelope. That's where “Camogli” comes from. It's an interesting story, isn't it?

Nowadays the situation is totally different, and the town is populated by only 5000 (more or less) inhabitants. It's famous for the tall buildings, especially the ones with paintings on the walls. It's such a great view! You basically walk on the street and see around all these precious colorful details, which are the same ones you can find on postcards and magnets you can buy in the souvenir shops.

Talking about the festival, it started last Thursday, when people from the two districts of Porto and Pinetto built two enormous bonfire towers, one on each side of the beach. This tradition, which always take place during the second weekend of May, also include a procession honoring the saint and fireworks on the beach. 

Today, then, citizens and tourist could taste fresh fish for lunch, which was cooked in one of the biggest pan ever! Even though I hate fish, it was nice to see everyone in line, in front of the harbor, waiting for their dish. This odd- at least for me- idea dates back to the WWII, when the wives of the local fishermen, in order to protect them from the war, used to offer prayers and fresh fish to the Holy Virgin.

To satisfy your curiosity, watch this video and fall in love with Camogli! If you plan a visit, be sure to book at Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi, which is one of my favorites. There is no mediation costs, no deposit required and you can always find the best available rates.

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